The use of multi-resonance therapy in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome

The use of multi-resonance therapy in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome

AUTHORS : Markin Yu.V. | Skvortsov S.V. | Kazakov S.P.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Institute for Radiophysiological Research, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Chief military clinical hospital named after N.N. Burdenko Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Type of Application

Chronic fatigue syndrome manifests itself as extreme physical and mental decline of weakness, unreasonable weakness, strength, head depression, pain, inability to concentrate attention, increased level anxiety, sleep disturbance (phase falling asleep), in the morning a feeling of weakness, swollen lymph nodes and their soreness, body pains, lethargy, sometimes subferral temperature.

At the same time, herpes viruses are detected, which are found in the peripheral blood and saliva. They grow slowly on human CD-4 lymphocytes, which have cellular receptors for these viruses. The herpes virus of the 7th, 6th types, the Epstein-Barr virus, then migrates to various organs and tissues. 

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