Possibilities of diagnosis and therapy using vegetativeresonance test
AUTHORS : Yankova L. B.
YEAR : 2019 | Category : Educational
Thousands of lives have been saved for 25 years of intellectual labor of the employees of the IMEDIS Center and their followers, students. I would like to focus on the therapy of viral diseases. Motor neurons are affected by Coxsackie viruses, and sensitive neurons are affected by herpes viruses (CMV, herpes zoster, herpes simplex I, Epstein-Barr virus). For example, neuritis of the facial nerve is the result of damage by Coxsackie viruses, and any neuralgia, including the trigeminal nerve, sciatica is, as a rule, a defeat by herpes viruses.
In cases of pain in the region of the heart, when there are no abnormalities on the ECG, herpes viruses are often tested using the ART method in the cervicalthoracic ganglion, in the thoracic part of the vagus. Pain is relieved after therapy with frequency programs and nosodes. When the viruses of the antrioventricular bundle are damaged, arrhythmia is observed (often not only herpes viruses, but also such as adenovirus, influenza viruses).