Electropuncture diagnostics of the latent clinical course of relapses and metastases of locally advanced cervical cancer

Electropuncture diagnostics of the latent clinical course of relapses and metastases of locally advanced cervical cancer

AUTHORS : Zaderin V.P. | Rosenko L.Ya. | Rodionova O.K.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Rostov Research Institute of Oncology, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
YEAR : 2002 | Category : Educational

In more than half of patients with locally advanced cervical cancer, relapses occur in the parametric tissue, pelvic lymph nodes and / or at the site of the primary tumor during the first 2 years after combined radiation therapy (CLL) [2, 4, 5]. When diagnosing relapses, including among patients discharged with clinical recovery, i.e. in the III clinical group, they are guided mainly by the complaints of patients, they use the classic bimanual examination, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, morphological examination, peripheral blood indicators.

Unfortunately, these and other traditional diagnostic methods at the follow-up stages after PLL allow only clinically manifested cases of recurrence or metastasis of cervical cancer to be detected.

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