A method for diagnosing cancer through a three-dimensional protein structure at the visual biophysical level and in the “IMEDIS-TEST” system

A method for diagnosing cancer through a three-dimensional protein structure at the visual biophysical level and in the “IMEDIS-TEST” system

AUTHORS : Rapis E.G. | Shraibman M.M.

YEAR : 2002 | Category : Educational

Using the method of visual study of the dynamics of the protein condensation process in non-equilibrium conditions, the three-dimensional (working) structure of the protein has been studied. One of the authors [1, 2] conducted 8500 experiments with proteins of different chemical composition at the macro and micro levels using optical, polarizing, scanning electron (JEOL) and confocal laser scanning microscopes.

An Xray diffraction analysis of samples of a non-equilibrium protein film was also carried out, and their magnetic sensitivity was determined. The current-voltage characteristics of liquid and solid proteins were measured under nonequilibrium conditions. In all experiments, the repeatability of the results was reliably documented. In the process of protein condensation in non-equilibrium conditionsin vitro self-organization is observed – self-assembly of multiple films of protein clusters.

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