ART in the diagnosis of ascariasis
AUTHORS : Eliseeva O.I. | Muravyova I.L. | Salnikova T.V. | Zheleznova N.E. | Tikhonova I.S.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Scientific and Practical Center of O.I. Eliseeva, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2001 | Category : Type of application
The average incidence of ascariasis among the world’s population is about 100 million cases per year. The main mechanism of infection is fecal-oral when swallowing eggs of worms with unwashed vegetables and fruits, through dirty hands, when seeding food with flies. Within 2 2.5 months old worms grow from eggs 24 Female 44 cm and 15 Males 25 cm. Regardless of the presence of males, the female lays up to 200,000 eggs daily in the intestines.
The invasive larva, penetrating with the help of a dentate formation into the intestinal walls, penetrates into the intestinal veins, from there into the portal vein, through it into the liver. From the liver through the hepatic veins, the larva migrates to the right half of the heart, from there to the pulmonary artery and capillaries of the lungs.