Complex treatment of patients with occupational pathology using bioresonance therapy and homeopathic remedies

Complex treatment of patients with occupational pathology using bioresonance therapy and homeopathic remedies

AUTHORS : Bobrovskaya A.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Department of Homeopathy and Electro-acupuncture Medicine of the Institute of qualifications and Clinical Hospital No. 83 of the Federal Office MEDBIOEXTREM MH RF, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2001 | Category : Method of treatment

Until now, the problem of treating patients with chronic occupational pathology remains unresolved. The imperfection of the organization of specialized care for patients who had contact with occupational influences has now created a situation where such patients are forced to go to non-core medical institutions, often not knowing with which toxin they had contact. On the other hand, general practitioners have little knowledge of occupational pathology. All this makes it necessary to search for available methods of diagnosis and treatment of occupational diseases.

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