The use of adaptive bioresonance therapy combined with classical homeopathy

The use of adaptive bioresonance therapy combined with classical homeopathy

AUTHORS : Kononov I.E.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Moscow Homeopathic Center, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 1995  | Category : Method of treatment

To assess the effectiveness of a combination of adaptive bioresonance therapy (ABRT) and classical homeopathy in the conditions of the Moscow Homeopathic Center, patients, in parallel with homeotherapy, were used basic BRT according to the second strategy with recording of harmonic oscillations at the end of the session . The resulting bioresonance preparations, primarily containing harmonic vibrations – H, were prescribed simultaneously with homeopathic preparations selected according to the principles of classical homeopathy . A number of patients with acute pathology underwent complex treatment according to the principles of the Moscow School of Homeopathy . The drugs in high potencies were obtained using the TRANSFER-P device manufactured by the IMEDIS center . Voll testing was not used .

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