Bioresonance therapy in the complex therapy of pregnant women with exatgenital pathology

Bioresonance therapy in the complex therapy of pregnant women with exatgenital pathology

AUTHORS : Zamaleeva R.S. 

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Kazan State Medical University named after S.V. Kurashov, Department of Obstetrics and gynecology number 2, head. department. Assoc. I. F. Fatkullin, Kazan, Russia
YEAR : 1997   |  Category : Method of treatment

It is known that the outcome of pregnancy and extragenital diseases in pregnant women childbirth for in many ways compensatory – adaptive reactions in the mother fetus system (BI Zheleznov et al., 1988). fetus at determined – placenta – To increase the adaptive processes in this system in 34 pregnant women with extragenital diseases (cardiovascular diseases, anemia, pyelonephritis), for the first time in obstetric practice, adaptive bioresonance therapy (BRT) was used with the device “IMEDIS-BRT”, developed and manufactured by the firm “IMEDIS “Under the direction of Yu. V. Gotovsky.

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