Mechanisms of anti-aging effects of music therapy by meso-forte technology

Mechanisms of anti-aging effects of music therapy by meso-forte technology

AUTHORS : Shusharjan S.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Scientific Center for Music Therapy and Restorative Technologies, St. Moscow, Russia; European Academy of Music Therapy, Bulgaria
YEAR : 2017


Music therapy (MT), which today includes dozens of different methods and technologies using acoustic effects of the audible spectrum, is becoming more
widespread in healthcare due to its proven effectiveness. Analysis of the literature and data from our own long-term studies indicate a variety of restorative and
adaptive reactions arising in the human body as a result of musical and
therapeutic influences, including neuroendocrine reactions (Grineva I.M., 1988;
Zakharova N.N., Avdeev V.M., 1982; Haschec H., 1978, etc.).



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