Traditional and modern views on the problem of infertility: the state of health of women, whose pregnancies occurred as a result of the use of auxiliary reproductive technologies

Traditional and modern views on the problem of infertility: the state of health of women, whose pregnancies occurred as a result of the use of auxiliary reproductive technologies

AUTHORS : Kiseleva M.A.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov
Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow
YEAR : 2015


SUMMARY As a result of the study, it was found that the health status of women whose pregnancy occurred as a result of the use of ART is significantly more likely to be negatively affected by gynecological and somatic diseases in comparison with the group of women with spontaneous
pregnancies. A significant burden of obstetric history was revealed in the group of women who underwent IVF, mainly due to the high frequency of undeveloped and ectopic pregnancies in these women. Along with the high incidence of somatic and gynecological diseases, this can
have an adverse effect on the course and outcomes of pregnancies after IVF. Taking into
account traditional medical ideas about the causes of infertility,



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