Study of the elemental composition of the above-ground and underground organs of Bodyak field from the flora Bashkortostan

Study of the elemental composition of the above-ground and underground organs of Bodyak field from the flora Bashkortostan

AUTHORS : Shamsutdinova S.R. | Pupykina K.A.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : GBOU VPO “Bashkir State Medical University”, Ufa
YEAR : 2015


RESUME The results of study of Cirsium arvense element composition growing in Bashkortostan are presented. Comparative analysis of macro and trace elements in elevated and underground parts of Cirsium arvense showed that maximum is achieved in herb. Natrium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, cuprum,
manganum, iodum are prevalent in herb, while potassium and ferrum in roots.
Keywords: Cirsium arvense, herb, roots, element composition



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