Energy-informational approaches to the treatment of malignant tumors
AUTHORS : Mosienko1 V.S. | Kurtseitov2 OK.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology named after R.E.
Kavetsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,2Main Military Clinical Hospital, Kiev,
YEAR : 2014
At the beginning of the twenty-first century, mankind has come to a feeling of the need to revise scientific paradigms and dogmas with regard to health and
illness, the relationship of a person with the outside world. In our time, man as an integral part of the Universe has ceased to be considered only a biological object. It is a cosmic entity, a bioenergy information system that carries the entire complexity of interaction with the Cosmos. The prophecy of K. Tsiolkovsky about
the spiritualized Universe and about the global brain, which V. Vernadsky (1989) called “noosphere”, which carries intelligent forces, is becoming a reality. Human
thought, fed by the Universe, forms and substantiates new knowledge of mankind. And it is no coincidence that for the study of the Universe, the subtle worlds, the
most perfect apparatus is a man with his mind,