Theories of the aging of the organism. The possibilities of BRT in pathological aging

Theories of the aging of the organism. The possibilities of BRT in pathological aging

AUTHORS : Kazantseva M.N.

YEAR : 2013

Human aging, like the aging of other organisms, is a biological process of gradual degradation of parts and systems of the human body and the consequences of this
process. The topic of human aging and the methods of rejuvenation associated with it are relevant in the modern world. This article reflects the initial stage of the
author’s research in this area. In the early stages of aging research, numerous theories were viewed by
scientists as competing in explaining the effects of aging. However, today it is
believed that many mechanisms of cell damage operate in parallel, and cells must also spend resources fighting against many mechanisms. To investigate the
interactions between all mechanisms of damage control, a systematic approach to
aging has been proposed



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