Use of sperm autonosodes to restore the patient’s reproductive abilities
AUTHORS : Vasilkovskaya O.V.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Medical center “Medbio plus”, Gabrovo, Bulgaria
YEAR : 2012
Introduction The combined use of the autonomic resonance test (ART) [1] and bioresonance therapy (BRT) [2] to restore the reproductive abilities of patients is of practical and theoretical interest and is highly relevant. This paper presents an algorithm for restoring reproductive abilities in male patients with
infertility of unknown etiology. Such a diagnosis is usually a big headache for both the patient and his attending physician, since the absence of an understandable cause of the disease usually makes it incomprehensible the method of its effective treatment, including the use of ART and BRT methods.
The work [3] was published, which provides an algorithm for examining patients with infertility, but the practice of examination shows that that the use of this algorithm does not always lead to a clarification of the etiology of this disease