Application of music therapy in surgery

Application of music therapy in surgery

AUTHORS :  Shushardzhan S.V. |  Pushkina O.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Scientific Center for Music Therapy and Medical-Acoustic Technologies
RNTSVM and K of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2004


Music therapy in surgery is undoubtedly applied in nature and has two main objects of influence: medical staff and patients.
The remarkable Russian surgeon S.S. Yudin. And today in the museum of the Institute of Emergency Medicine. Sklifosovsky, the score of Beethoven’s symphony
is kept, which this outstanding physician loved and reread before a difficult operation. S.S. Yudin believed that no other branch of human activity is connected so
much with art and crafts as surgery. “Here you need the clarity and speed of the violinist and pianist’s fingers….”. He also wrote: “Monotonous work without lifegiving
shakes of poetry, art and travel creates calmness, a habit of shabby legends
of antiquity, fitting with vulgarity and petty goals.”



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