The diagnostic significance of the use of electrophysiological methods in the work of a general practitioner

The diagnostic significance of the use of electrophysiological methods in the work of a general practitioner

AUTHORS :  Ermina E.L. |  Kasimova G.Sh. | Tsirkin V.I.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Kirov Homeopathic Center, Institute of Health Pedagogy
and restorative medicine at KSMA, Kirov, Russia
YEAR : 2004


At present, the problem of preserving the health of the nation has acquired deep social significance. Within the framework of the Sectoral Program for the Protection and Promotion of the Health of Healthy Persons, as well as in terms of the development of the direction of
family medicine, it is proposed to use the methods of ART and Voll as screening in the search for functional abnormalities and for the diagnosis of preclinical stages of diseases.
We are offering algorithm patient management using diagnostic
electroacupuncture techniques and treatment programs using bioresonance



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