Experimental data on the optimization of the growth properties of lactobacilli by their energy-informational transfer of known and necessary properties

Experimental data on the optimization of the growth properties of lactobacilli by their energy-informational transfer of known and necessary properties

AUTHORS :  Gotovsky Yu.V. |  Gotovsky M.Yu. |  Ogorodnikov I.G.|  Esiev S.S. |  Ilyin V.K. |  Mkhitaryan K.N.   Roic  O.A.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : SSC RF IBMP RAS, LLC Ogorodnikov and K, Center IMEDIS, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2007


The experiment was carried out at the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation, the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, with a tripartite interest. Purpose of the study: optimization of the growth properties of lactobacilli by means of transmission of the energy-information signal from the “microbe-substrate” systems, where the growth properties were optimized for a conventional system to obtain the same optimized growth properties. MRS medium (a special medium for germination and study of some microorganisms – the characteristics and properties of the medium are not disclosed by the company), containing water treated with hard ultraviolet light, was used as a model. In previous studies, it was found that when using such a medium for the restoration of bacterial cultures from lyophilisates, the cell recovery was significantly higher than when using a similar medium, in which specially treated water is not used, by about 1–2 orders of magnitude; 10-100 times.



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