State Pharmacopoeia as the main quality standard of medicinal herbal raw materials and medicines in the PRC

State Pharmacopoeia as the main quality standard of medicinal herbal raw materials and medicines in the PRC

AUTHORS :  Kiseleva1 T.L. |  Karpeev1 A.A.|  Seregina2 I.F.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1Federal Scientific Clinical and Experimental Center for Traditional Methods of Diagnostics
and Treatment of Roszdrav, Moscow, 2Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere
health and social development, Moscow
YEAR : 2007


A significant difference in the drug policy of Russia and China is the attitude towards unofficial types of natural raw materials [9–13]. In particular, in the Russian Federation, only those drugs and types of raw materials that are included in the State Pharmacopoeia [4, 5] and the current (last) GR [6] are allowed for medical use. In the PRC, not only pharmacopoeial, but many other types are still widely used in traditional medical practice and for the production of traditional drugs (8980 of them are described in Jun Hua Beng Cao – “Modern Herbalist”, created over 10 years by more than 500 specialists out of 60 research and educational institutions of China) [7, 8, 15–21]. These species are constantly being studied, including in a comparative aspect, and the most “worthy” of them are gradually being introduced into the Pharmacopoeia [9].



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