Practical implementation of the patent and innovation strategy of the Homeopathic medical and social center in the field of inventions

Practical implementation of the patent and innovation strategy of the Homeopathic medical and social center in the field of inventions

AUTHORS :  Makarenko NS. |  Titieva N.M. |  Gromakova A.I. |  Lukyanova V.M. |  Makarova N.L.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Homeopathic medical and social center, Novosibirsk
YEAR : 2007


In recent years, in modern scientific and practical medicine, more and more attention is paid to the search for effective and safe drugs. In this regard, it is of interest to use complex homeopathic medicines available without a prescription and for the purpose of which no detailed knowledge of the homeopathic method is required, which makes it possible to use these medicines by doctors of academic clinics. The effectiveness of homeopathic treatment in modern conditions is explained by the harmful influence of the ecological situation and aggressive social environment on the activity of immune processes in living organisms. A decrease in the activity of immune functions in humans leads to a change in the clinical picture of diseases, the predominance of asymptomatic forms of diseases and their chronicity. A competent combination of the means and methods of academic medicine with homeopathic effects allows you to achieve a quick and pronounced effect in the treatment of any pathology; significantly reduce the dose of
allopathic drugs, reduce the toxicity of drugs, and significantly prolong their action.



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