

AUTHORS : Ramazanova G.F. | Bozhko E.V. | Vasilieva G.G. | Nazarova S.P.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Alexey Nazarov Medical Center; Department of Bioresonance Therapy, St. Tashkent, Uzbekistan
YEAR : 2004 | Category : Educational

Fasciollosis – helminthiasis caused by parasitism of trematodes of the Fasciolidae family. It is characterized by a predominant lesion of the biliary system, first described by Malpighi (1698) and P.S. Pallasu (1760). The causative agent of fascioliasis are two types of trematodes: Fasciola hepatica, a hepatic fluke with a flat leaf-shaped body 20–30 mm long, 8–12 mm wide, and Fasciola gigantean, a giant fluke 33–76 mm long, 5–12 mm wide. Fasciollosis is a zoonosis, the main source of infestation is sheep and cattle.

A person becomes infected by drinking water contaminated with adoliscaria, eating vegetables and herbs poured with water from stagnant reservoirs. It turned out that for our region, infection of people with fasciola is not such a rare case. Apparently, this is due to the increased incidence of viral hepatitis, since, according to our observations, the hepatitis virus “paves the way” for the introduction and parasitism of this infection. In our department of bioresonance diagnostics and therapy for the period from April to December 2003, 38 patients were diagnosed with fascioliasis.

In 27 cases, fasciola was diagnosed with other parasites, such as: lamblia, intestinal eel, dwarf tapeworm, fungi, etc. In 100% of cases, patients had a history of viral hepatitis, in 5 patients – the underlying disease is diabetes mellitus. Although it is known from the literature that hepatica fasciola mainly affects the gallbladder and bile ducts, in 80% of our patients hepatic fasciola was also diagnosed in the liver, and in 40% in the liver, bile ducts and pancreas. All our patients with diabetes mellitus have this parasite was diagnosed in the pancreas together with the fungus saccharomyces cerevisie.

After removal of hepatic fasciola and fungus from the parenchymal organs, the condition of patients with diabetes mellitus significantly improved, both clinical symptoms and laboratory data – the blood sugar level decreased, the dosage of antidiabetic drugs decreased (out of 5 patients, 1 was insulin-dependent). 10 patients with fasciollosis and candidiasis had skin diseases: neurodermatitis, eczema, skin manifestations of food allergy.

All our patients received only bioresonance therapy. The treatment was carried out on the apparatus “MINI-EXPERT-DT” with the imposition of inductors on the projection of the affected organs. The number of sessions is from 3 to 12, depending on the age and severity of the patient’s condition. Bioresonance basic therapy was carried out along the worst meridians with the connection of drainage and detoxification drugs, mainly from the “OHOM” company. Patients were treated with private and general BR drugs. A strict diet was ordered with the exclusion from food of foods selected according to the test for food allergies or inadequacy of nutrition.

Clinical example

1. Bazarov V., born in 1964 He contacted us with complaints about losing weight, aversion to food, constant pain in the left hypochondrium. History: transferred hepatitis B. List of identified indexes: Broca’s index – asthenia; a very high degree of tension of the immune system; affected organs: gallbladder, duodenum, pancreas, large intestine. Revealed fasciola hepatica localization: pancreas, portal vein. In the large intestine: hymenolepis cysticercoides, 3 species of candida.

The worst meridians were determined: epithelial-parenchymal (organ degene), RP, VB, R. The general condition of the patient is rather serious. Was in hospital, from where he left because of the ineffectiveness of treatment. In our department, he received therapy according to the above method 2 times a day. Was compiled a strict diet with the selection of food. After the 5th day of treatment, the patient’s condition improved steadily. During the control diagnosis, parasitic infection was not detected. For the next three days, treatment was carried out once a day. Tubazhs were prescribed at home 2 times a week, dietary intake, enzymatic preparations, mineral and vitamin deficiencies replenishment.




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