Drug testing in gastroenterology – 10 years of experience
AUTHORS : Semendyaeva M.E. | Gotovsky Yu.V. | Aleshina T.V. | Matveev G.E. | Bakulina I.F. | Zhuravleva M.G.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : KB No. 83 FU Medbioekstrem at the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow,Russia
YEAR : 2004 | Category : Clinical Evaluation
At the present time, there are many drugs and food additives on the pharmaceutical market, which causes significant difficulties for doctors in the formation of rational treatment regimens for various diseases.
At the same time, for 50 years in the world there has been a method of individual selection not only of allopathic drugs and food supplements, but also homeopathic, resonant, frequency remedies, nosodes, energy-information copies of drugs, food products and many substances and phenomena surrounding the patient (Voll R., 1960; A.V. Samokhin, Yu.V. Gotovsky, 1997). However, the introduction of these techniques into widespread clinical practice is hindered by the inertia of thinking of many specialists (and sometimes unjustified aggressiveness), the lack of basic training in the principles of Chinese medicine and advanced computer technologies, as well as the lack of necessary equipment.