Possibilities of endogenous bioresonance therapy in complex treatment neuro-circulatory asthenia

Possibilities of endogenous bioresonance therapy in complex treatment neuro-circulatory asthenia

AUTHORS : Kosareva L.B. | Avanesova E.G.Gotovsky Yu.V. | Dovbush V.P. | Antropov V.I. | Vaytsekhovskaya E.P.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 39 Central Clinic of the Navy; Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2004 | Category : Type of Application

Among the large number of terms that are replete with functional cardiovascular pathology, two are most common: neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD) and neurocirculatory asthenia (NCA). The familiar term “neurocirculatory dystonia” was used to characterize a condition that precedes hypertension, but today the designation of NCD is not mentioned either in the current classification of diseases or in the ICD.

It was replaced by the already mentioned term NCA, by which we mean a condition identical to asthenic neurosis (neurasthenia) with visceral symptoms, focused on the heart. In its expanded formulation, NCA is a painful condition characterized by a large number of symptoms that accordingly, the statistical significance can be set in the following order: palpitations, anxiety, fatigue, pain in the region of the heart, shortness of breath, fatigue, decreased performance. These symptoms are observed in the absence of any organic heart disease that could justify their occurrence.

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