Impact of extreme situations on the occurrence of somatic pathology (possibilities of ART when examining servicemen who were in “hot spots”)

The use of “IMEDIS-TEST” when carrying out in-depth medical survey of submariners (analysis of the results of 2 years of work)

AUTHORS : Kosareva L.B. | Avanesova E.G.Gotovsky Yu.V. | Dovbush V.P. | Antropov V.I. | Ivanova V.L. | Vaytsekhovskaya E.P.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 39 Central Clinic of the Navy; Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2004 | Category : Educational

As is known from the literature, in the occurrence and development of pathological processes in people with a high-risk profession, in addition to radiation, the influence of non-radiation factors – chemical, occupational, demographic, is of great importance, with a significant role played by the stress factor [2, 6]. For example, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), first described in the United States after the Vietnam War (1980), was then identified in 62.3% of combatants in Afghanistan and became the main component of the so-called “Chechen syndrome” [2, 6] … Meanwhile, “the main subject of military health care should not be disease, … but the health of a serviceman and his combat effectiveness.

First of all, efforts should be aimed at creating a system for assessing the functional state of the body of servicemen and its adaptive capabilities, when there are still no visible signs of the disease, and, therefore, there is no need for a system of medical correction and rehabilitation ”[2, 7].

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