Features of the spectrum of detected pathogens and the state of the main systems organs in patients with acne according to the autonomic resonance test
AUTHORS : Dostanko1 E.G. | Dostanko1 V.Yu. | Dostanko2 N.Yu.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1ChMUP “Center for Resonant Medicine” INFOMED “, 2Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk
YEAR : 2019
SUMMARY The study included 30 patients with complaints of acne during 2016–2017, as
well as 30 patients of the control group of the corresponding age and gender without acne. All patients underwent a comprehensive examination by the method
of vegetative resonance test. The range of markers tested was the same in all patients. Almost a quarter of patients with acne showed signs of inflammation in
the large intestine that were absent in the control group, and pathological changes in the endocrine system in patients with acne were more than twice as likely as in
the control group (63.3% vs 30%, respectively , p = 0.019, Fisher’s exact test).