The use of newt regeneration drugs in patients with acute trauma
AUTHORS : Vasilkovskaya O.V. | Mkhitaryan K.N.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Clinic “Vitamed-plus”, Gabrovo, Bulgaria; Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2019 | Category : Method of Treatment
In the last 10 years, an increasing place in the medical practice of physicians using information medicine methods, in particular ART and BRT, is occupied by information drugs – control signals (US) of regeneration and restoration of tissues, organs and systems of the patient. The preparations for regeneration of the newt tail and extremities are widely used.Triton regeneration and Triton metamorphosis [1].
As conceived by the creators of this direction, the use of drugs of this group is an attempt to awaken in the human body genetically preconditioned, but lost in the process of evolution, the ability to regenerate certain subsystems. Another group of CAs for regeneration and restoration of body structures, primarily of its connective tissue, are CAs for fibroblast death – Fibroblast death 1 and 2 [2].