The role of bioresonance and multiresonance therapyin the diagnosis and treatment of multiple sclerosis

The role of bioresonance and multiresonance therapyin the diagnosis and treatment of multiple sclerosis

AUTHORS : Chepurnaya S.L.

YEAR : 2019 | Category : Educational

Introduction In the thirties of the XIX century, Cruyeilhier (and in 1855 Turck) described in detail the anatomical and pathological changes in MS, yet the study of this disease began later (from about the mid-fifties of the nineteenth century) mainly by German authors. The merit of French neuropathologists is that they have clarified the clinical symptomatology of this disease and studied the remarkable unexpressed forms.

Then the knowledge about multiple sclerosis was significantly enriched thanks to the works of Gowers, Leyden, Goldscheider, Oppenheim and especially thanks to the excellent monograph by E. Maller [9]. The pathological anatomy of MS, clinical manifestations, and differential diagnostics were described in detail. Additions to the descriptions of the 19th century, judging by the literature, are minimal.

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