Brief analysis of the use of flowers Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim. in folk traditional medicines and some of its pharmacological properties

Brief analysis of the use of flowers Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim. in folk traditional medicines and some of its pharmacological properties

AUTHORS : Barnaulov O.D.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Institute of the Human Brain named after N.P. Bekhtereva RAS, St. Petersburg
YEAR : 2017


RESUME Filipendula ulmaria is an eatable plant and tea substitute. Its low toxicity was confirmed experimentally in mice, when flowers and leaves infusions 1:10 were introduced enterally. DL50, DLminand minimal neurotoxic doses can’t be reached. Wide indications for use (rheumatism, arthritis, cholecystitis, cystitis, nephrite, respiratory and intestinal infections, and fevers) may be summarized as inflammatory and infectious diseases. Flower infusion decreased inflammatory exudation and proliferation in our experiments. Filipendula ulmaria is used in folk and traditional medicines for treating patients with neurological diseases: strokes, paralyses, neuroses, neuroinfections. Discovering cerebroprotective properties galenic preparations from Filipendula
species confirm that such use is correct.



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