Approaches to the use of IMEDIS equipment in the tourism business

Approaches to the use of IMEDIS equipment in the tourism business

AUTHORS : Tikhomirov D.D. | Guselnikova E.D.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia; WelnessTravelGroup, Riga, Latvia
YEAR : 2015


The effectiveness of the tourism business is determined by a number of factors and at the present stage, some of them are beginning to play a more important role than before. This is primarily determined by the violation of the human ecological environment in all its aspects [1, 2, 3]. The concept of rest for a modern person consists not only in changing the type of activity and location (by moving to another point on the globe), but also in individual compensation or elimination of factors unfavorable to health. Statistics show that very often tourists (including VIP-tourists),
who decide to spend their holidays on some general attractive advertising and even fantasy grounds, get not only disappointment, but in some cases seriously undermine their health, which assessed
by themselves and by medical specialists, unfortunately, already in retrospect. The



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