The effect of low-intensity radiation on biological objects

The effect of low-intensity radiation on biological objects

AUTHORS : Khachumova K.G.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : GOU VPO RNIMU named after N.I. Pirogov, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2014


All the space around us is permeated with electromagnetic radiation. At the same time, scientists from different countries became interested in the
electromagnetic or wave theory of the interaction of biological objects. In 1943, the famous German physicist W. Schrödinger expressed the idea that all living matter has a quantum nature – it emits and receives certain electromagnetic waves. I 1948 the Russian scientist A.G. Gurvich wrote the book “Principles of Analytical Biology and Theory of Cellular Fields”, where he substantiated the theory of the biological field. In 1977-1988. German scientist G. Fröhlich theoretically substantiated and obtained experimental evidence of the fact of generation of
alternating electromagnetic fields by living cells. In 1977 F. Morel and E. Rasche
proposed a device for diagnostics of these fields.



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