Possibilities of electropunctural diagnostics and biresonance therapy in treatment resistant forms of hepatitis C

Possibilities of electropunctural diagnostics and biresonance therapy in treatment resistant forms of hepatitis C

AUTHORS : Abramovich B.V. | Gotovsky M.Yu. | Kurtseitov L.K. | Marievsky V.F. | Savkin N.D.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Dnepropetrovsk, Kiev, Ukraine
YEAR : 2012


Introduction Today viral hepatitis is considered one of the leading medical and social problems, especially the hepatitis C virus.-5 times the number of HIV infected. According to the European Parliament, the incidence of liver disease by 2015 will increase by 200%. Officially, 4.5 million infected people are registered in Russia. At the same time, according to experts, there are up to 10 undetected cases of hepatitis per one detected case.
Do 15-30% of patients with chronic hepatitis C develop cirrhosis of the liver, hepatocellular
carcinoma (liver cancer).



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