Diagnostics by R. Voll’s method of clinical manifestation of “intolerance” gutta-percha and orthopedic structures

Diagnostics by R. Voll’s method of clinical manifestation of “intolerance” gutta-percha and orthopedic structures

AUTHORS : Goryacheva M.V. | Ulko T.N. | Lunitsyna Yu.V. | Oreshak O.V. | Tokmakova S.I.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : GOU VPO Altai State Medical University, Barnaul, Russia
YEAR : 2011


Currently, there is a tendency towards an increase in intolerance to dental materials, characterized by persistent pain syndrome. In this regard, the search for
the most effective diagnostic methods is quite relevant. One of the leading directions in this area is the use of electropunctural diagnostics according to the
method of R. Voll.



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