Possibilities of adaptive bioresonance therapy in the treatment of patients with primary open-angle glaucoma
AUTHORS : Malinovskaya T.A. | Bolotova L.O. | Ermakova V.N. | Ivanov A.N.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Federal State Institution “Helmholtz MNII GB” MHSD RF, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2011
The term “glaucoma” is understood as a whole group of diseases of various etiology, united by
two signs: an increase in intraocular pressure above the individual tolerant level and a characteristic
optic neuropathy. According to the WHO, there are currently about 65-70 million patients with
glaucoma in the world, of whom about 9 million are blind in both eyes. and the visually impaired more
than doubled, reaching 78%.