Morphofunctional changes in the hippocampus of rats during sham surgery with halothane anesthesia in combination with bioresonance effects
AUTHORS : Boqueria1 L.A. | Boqueria1 O.L. | Salia1 N.T. | Dzidziguri3 D.V. | Gotovsky2 M.Yu. |
Mohamed Ali1 V.Kh. | Bakuradze3 E.D. | Modebadze3 I.R.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : 1NTSSSH them. A.N. Bakuleva, Moscow,2Center for Intelligent Medical
systems “IMEDIS”, Moscow, 3TSU named after Yves. Javakhishvili, Tbilisi
YEAR : 2011
The experiment studied the effect of bioresonance effects on the process of normalization of morphological and functional changes in the hippocampus of rats
during inhalation anesthetic halothane and sham surgery. The use of bioresonance effects has a positive effect on the process of normalization of the
morphofunctional state of neurons in the CA1 / CA3 fields of the rat hippocampus after a sham operation under conditions of halothane anesthesia.
Key words: hippocampus, bioresonance effect, rats, halothane,sham surgery, postoperative complications, GAD 65/67 positive cells.