Influence of bioresonance therapy in swing mode on the process of normalization of the leukocyte count of peripheral blood and changes in the cellular composition of the bone marrow of white mice on the model leukopenia

Influence of bioresonance therapy in swing mode on the process of normalization of the leukocyte count of peripheral blood and changes in the cellular composition of the bone marrow of white mice on the model leukopenia

AUTHORS :  Boqueriaone L.A. | Saliaone N.T. | Boqueriaone O. L. | Mikadzeone L.T. 

 Gotovsky2 M.Yu. | Dzidziguri3 D.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : oneNTSSSH them. A.N. Bakuleva,2Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia,
3TSU named after Yves. Javakhishvili, Tbilisi, Georgia
YEAR : 2009


Leukopenia, a decrease in the absolute content of leukocytes in the
blood volume, develops in infectious diseases unit (flu, visceral leishmaniasis, typhoid fever, malaria, etc.), as well as in diseases of the
blood system. Along with viral infections and diseases of the hematopoietic
organs, the cause of leukopenia can be the toxic side effect of medications on the
bone marrow. As a result, leukopenia develops through allergic mechanisms [1, 2].



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