The role of vegetative-immuno-endocrine disintegration in the patho- and sanogenetic mechanisms of ischemic disorders of cerebral circulation according to data vegetative resonance test
AUTHORS : Chepurnayaone S.L. | Schmidt2 I.R.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : oneMLPU GKB No. 1, 2GOU DPO NGIUV Roszdrav, Novokuznetsk, Russia
YEAR : 2008
Introduction Ischemic disorders of cerebral circulation (IICI) are the most important medical and social problem. On average, in Russia, annually from 400-450 thousand to 500 thousand cerebral strokes are recorded, of which 80-85% are ischemic (10% end fatally, 90% of those
who survived are disabled of varying degrees, 75% of patients have persistent disability, 10% noted independent recovery, 10% – rehabilitation measures are futile, 80% can be effective rehabilitation measures) [1, 2, 6, 10, 11].