Herbal medicine with food plants. Publication 1: Apricot ordinary
AUTHORS : Kiseleva T.L. | Karpeev A.A. | Smirnova Yu.A. | Safonov V.P. | Tsvetaeva E.V. |
Blinkov I.L. | Kogan L.I. | Dronova M.A.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Institute of Homeopathy and Naturotherapy of the Federal Scientific Clinical and Experimental Center for Traditional Methods of Diagnostics and Treatment
Roszdrav, Moscow
YEAR : 2008
Among the many ways to prevent diseases, proper and nutritious nutrition traditionally occupies an important place. This means not only the optimal ratio in food of the main groups of nutrients and energy substances – proteins, fats and carbohydrates. A balanced intake of vitamins, microelements and biologically active compounds of other classes is of great importance for the normal
functioning of the body. It is these substances that we obtain for the most part by
eating vegetables, fruits, berries, cereals, legumes and gingerbread crops.