The study of energy-informational control signals using GDV method on the example of systemic spiritual adapters
AUTHORS : Vinokurov V.V.| Kudaev A.E.| Kuzina L.V. | Mkhitaryan K.N. | Khodareva N.K.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : SPC “Artemida”, Rostov-on-Don, Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2007
Introduction In work [1], a hypothesis was put forward about the effectiveness of using systemic spiritual adapters (SDA) – electronic copies of confessional shrines – for
diagnostics and therapy of a person. The preliminary studies, the results of which were presented in this work, were based: firstly, on the data obtained with the help
of ART, and secondly, on the results of clinical observations. It is known, however, that: – assessment of the results obtained with the help of ART always requires rechecking by other methods, since the ART method is quite new and is not a generally accepted diagnostic method;