Possibilities of using vegetative resonance testing in gynecology

Possibilities of using vegetative resonance testing in gynecology

AUTHORS :  Kiriyak A.S. |  Kiriyak Yu.F.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : medical center “CREPOR”, Chisinau, Moldova
YEAR : 2007


For the period 2004-2006 we studied the possibilities of using ART in the diagnosis of gynecological diseases and, in particular, in the differential diagnosis
of chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Chronic pelvic pain accounts for 10% of all pathology with which women
turn to a gynecologist (Mayorov M.V., 2004). Chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) is defined as
1) a condition characterized by the presence of nonspecific pelvic pain
for more than 6 months. with an indefinite onset and the absence of
morphological changes in organs and tissues, which can cause pain syndrome of
varying severity (Tatarchuk T.F. et al.,



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