Promising areas of diagnosis and treatment of opisthorchiasis

Promising areas of diagnosis and treatment of opisthorchiasis

AUTHORS : Goryacheva M.V. | Travnikova T.Yu.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Altai State Medical University, Barnaul, Russia
YEAR : 2006


The problems of diagnostics and treatment of helminthiasis remain relevant in the epidemiology of parasitic diseases of the West Siberian region.
Opisthorchiasis takes the first place in the region in terms of the complexity of diagnostics, the variability of syndromic manifestations and the severity of
prognoses and the mass scale of infection (from 60% to 90% in different regions). Opisthorchiasis – oral helminthiasis caused by the trematodes Opisthorchis
felineus and Opisthorchis viverrini, is a natural focal, but quite common disease



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