Correction of oligophrenia using the BRT and ART techniques (Case from practice)

Correction of oligophrenia using the BRT and ART techniques (Case from practice)

AUTHORS : Balandin A.V. | Sobotovich S.L.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Marine State University named after G.I. Nevelskoy, LPC
SYNERGY, Vladivostok, Russia
YEAR : 2006


OLIGOPHRENIA – congenital or early acquired dementia, expressed in the underdevelopment of the intellect and psyche as a whole. Oligophrenia is not a
progredient process, but a consequence of a past illness. The degree of mental disability is assessed quantitatively using the intelligence quotient on standard
psychological tests. ETIOLOGY. The causes of oligophrenia can be:
1) hereditary factors, including the pathology of generative cells
parents (this group of oligophrenia includes Down’s disease, true microcephaly, enzymopathic forms);



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