Treatment of uterine fibroids – myths and reality

Treatment of uterine fibroids – myths and reality

AUTHORS : Kiriyak A.S.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Research Institute of Health Protection of Mothers and Children of the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova
YEAR : 2006


Why has the treatment of uterine fibroids in the last decade become a fashionable topic of discussion not only among patients, gynecologists, but also
among information therapists, especially for beginners? Unfortunately, drug aggression together with a fairly spoiled ecology (water, air, food spoiled by food
additives, stress) led to the growth of uterine fibroids in the population, which was actually observed by statistics. When examining women over the age of 30, uterine
fibroids were found in 15-17% of women. Among urban women, the incidence of this disease is 19–27% and is significantly lower in rural areas. According to foreign
authors, the average prevalence of uterine fibroids is about 30%. In the twentieth
century, there was practically no conservative treatment for fibroids.



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