The role of viral burdens in the pathogenesis of diseases (clinical observation)

The role of viral burdens in the pathogenesis of diseases (clinical observation)

AUTHORS : Avanesova T.S. | Avanesova E.G. |  Gotovsky M. Yu. |  Kosareva L.B. |  Bocharov D.G.

YEAR : 2006 | Category : Educational

The use of the vegetative resonance test (ART) “IMEDIS-TEST” in the clinical activity of a modern doctor allows, in addition to carrying out reliable detailed diagnostics, to study complex etiopathogenetic mechanisms of the development of many nosological forms. The identification with the help of ART of such significant negative factors for the development of pathology in the body as geopathogenic, radioactive, psychological stress, viral, bacterial and mycotic burdens, allows the doctor to determine an adequate, targeted therapy, taking into account the main links of the etiopathogenesis of disorders.

Such etiotropic therapy is highly effective in almost all cases. This paper presents two cases from clinical practice that illustrate the role of viral burdens in the mechanism of occurrence of various pathologies. Clinical example 1 Patient D., 50 years old, has been observed for Dupuytren’s contracture for the last 5 years, the movements of 2 fingers of the right hand are constrained, practically absent, in the area of the palmar aponeurosis dense cords, nodules, tendons of the corresponding flexors of the fingers are compacted. The treatment carried out without significant effect.

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