Assessment of the role of regulatory and antiphospholipid antibodies in the development of placental insufficiency, the effectiveness of BRT in pregnant women with burdened obstetric history

Assessment of the role of regulatory and antiphospholipid antibodies in the development of placental insufficiency, the effectiveness of BRT in pregnant women with burdened obstetric history

AUTHORS : Parkhisenko Yu.A. | Gustomesova V.I. | Mazurenko T.S.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Regional Clinical Hospital, Voronezh, Russia
YEAR : 2005 | Category : Research

Placental insufficiency (PN) is one of the central problems of modern obstetrics and perinatology. Placental failure often (in 26–86% of cases) leads to a delay in fetal development, intrauterine hypoxia and fetal death, developmental disorders of the newborn, his disability, death of the newborn in the early neonatal period.

Most often, PN develops in women with a burdened obstetric history (recurrent miscarriage, miscarriage, antenatal fetal death, a history of premature birth). In this regard, it is obvious that the problem of further improvement of maternal and child health care requires intensification of scientific research aimed at improving new methods of early diagnosis, prevention and treatment of placental insufficiency.

Recent studies have shown that placental insufficiency is based on autoimmune disorders, hereditary or acquired defects of the hemostatic system. Research appeared indicating the possible presence of autoimmune mechanisms of impaired uteroplacental blood flow in pregnant women and their possible implementation through the effect on the state of the hemostasis system.

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