Influence of viruses on human health

Influence of viruses on human health

AUTHORS :  Vitrik L.A.

YEAR : 2004


Viral infections pose a great danger to the body, especially latent, slowmoving ones. We must never forget that, settling in the DNA of a cell, the virus
leads to immunodeficiency, oncology, and autoimmune diseases. Often people are calm about herpetic eruptions on the lips, but they do not know that viruses are
located in the sheath of nerves, ganglia, plexuses and disrupt the work of internal organs. They do not know that the “harmless” herpes virus lives and multiplies in the
pancreas, liver, kidneys, sinuses, leading to weakness, heaviness in the head, impairment of memory and vision, and causes chronic fatigue syndrome. In the
blood, the number of CD4 T-lymphocytes decreases.



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