The role of bioenergy information therapy in complex treatment chronic obstructive bronchitis

The role of bioenergy information therapy in complex treatment chronic obstructive bronchitis

AUTHORS : Khomazyuk T.A. | Kovalev A.S. | Borisova I. S. | Krivosheev Yu.V. | Kovalev V.A.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Department of Propedeutics of Internal Diseases, Dnipropetrovsk State Medical academies, medical center “Mohenjo-Daro”, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
YEAR : 2004 | Category : Educational

At present, chronic nonspecific lung diseases have become the largest not only medical and social, but also economic problem throughout the world. Among them, chronic obstructive bronchitis (COB) occupies one of the first places as a cause of disability and mortality. The age-sex structure, etiological factors and pathogenetic mechanisms of this disease are well understood.

Causing chronic diffuse non-allergic inflammation of the bronchi, leading to progressive impairment of pulmonary ventilation, chronic hypoxia and, as a consequence, the development of chronic pulmonary heart failure, COP manifests itself as a cough with sputum production and shortness of breath, not associated with lesions of other organs and systems. Diagnosis of COB is carried out by summing up clinical signs, risk factors and detecting a violation of bronchial conduction in the study of the function of external respiration.

The basic therapy in the treatment of COB today is the use of bronchodilating drugs, in particular, M-anticholinergics. Nevertheless, in patients with the second and third severity of COB, it is rarely possible to achieve reversibility of bronchial obstruction and stop the progression of the disease, which shortens the patient’s life expectancy by an average of 8 years [1]. The purpose of this work was to study the possibilities of treating patients with COB using bioenergy information therapy (BEIM). Ours was used in patients with COB who did not have repeated inpatient treatment.

He is energyinformational color preparations from the method of treatment and rehabilitation measures obtained a positive effect even when it is based on the combination of the patient receiving the selector of the agro-industrial complex “IMEDIS-FALL” with electroacupuncture (EAP) of certain biologically active zones (BAZ) of the surface of the human body.

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