Possibilities of multiresonance therapy in severe systemic incurable pathology of unknown origin (clinical observation)

Possibilities of multiresonance therapy in severe systemic incurable pathology of unknown origin (clinical observation)

AUTHORS : Leskin G.S. | Petritskaya E.N. | Gotovsky Yu.V.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MONIKI named after M.F. Vladimirsky, Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2004Category : Method of Treatment

Energy-information technologies and, in particular, bioresonance methods of diagnostics and therapy, are gaining acceptance in official medicine with great difficulty. This is due to the inertness traditional for medicine and the skeptical attitude of clinicians to fundamentally new approaches, an emphasis on the use of standards, certain difficulties in conducting comparative verified studies using generally accepted and energy-informational methods of therapy.

In similar Under these conditions, the use of new technologies in individual patients with severe pathology that is resistant to conventional treatment methods is quite convincing. In the materials of previous conferences, we have described several such cases from various clinical branches of medicine. In our opinion, the following clinical observation is also of interest. Patient Y., 52 years old. He has been sick since June 2002, when paresis of the upper and lower extremities first appeared and began to increase.

The disease developed against the background of a prolonged emotional stress at work. After a short-term improvement in the condition (the patient was treated by a familiar folk healer-bioenergetic), an exacerbation of the disease occurred with a rapid and steady development of paralysis of the upper and lower extremities (with preservation of the function of the pelvic organs), severe hypoproteinemia, oncotic edema of the extremities, accumulation of a large amount of fluid in the abdominal and pleural cavities.

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