Use of the ART + method in pediatric practice using the method of Ovsepyan A.A.
AUTHORS : Marcinechko S.V. | Polle L.A. | Bessarabov O.V.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Treatment and Diagnostic Center “Medicine of the Future”, Kaliningrad, Russia
YEAR : 2004 | Category : Method of Treatment
Patient O., 5 years old. During the last 3 years, independent stool (without laxatives, enemas and various “benefits”) is practically absent. Born by caesarean section, long anhydrous period. Until the age of one year, it grew and developed normally, from the age of 12 months, constipation gradually began, which reached a maximum by the age of 2 years. She was periodically treated according to about dysbiosis, but a persistent effect was observed.
At the age of 3 years, she was operated on for acute intestinal obstruction for cysts of the small intestine with resection of 15 cm of the ileum to remain. Examined by a neurologist: to normalize the stool against the background of passing attacks of the mesenteric mesenteric lymphangioma. Postoperative constipation residual consequences neonatal damage to the central nervous system and spinal cord (level D9-D10 of the spine) with a violation of the innervation of the pelvic organs.
On October 1, 2003, diagnostics was carried out on the key problem with using the device “Mini-Expert-D” according to the ART + method with the construction of a pathophysiological chain according to the method of A.A. Hovsepyan: grade 5 anabolic processes (grade 4 catabolic processes) + grade 3 alkalinity + key nosode + most affected organ + moderate depletion of the immune system. Through the chain, all sera of tissues and organs of the “O.T.I.” glands, gastrointestinal tissues.