Features of electropunctural diagnostics in patients with diseases of the larynx
AUTHORS : Leskin G.S. | Lyubimova N.G. | Zenger V.G. | Gotovsky Yu.V.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : MONIKI named after M.F. Vladimirsky, Center “IMEDIS”, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 2004 | Category : Educational
One of the most significant problems in otorhinolaryngology is the early diagnosis of malignant lesions of the larynx. It would seem that given the availability of the larynx for instrumental studies using laryngoscopy and (if necessary) histological evaluation biopsy material, the diagnosis of oncological processes in the larynx should not cause any particular difficulties.
However, this is true only for cases with pronounced clinical and functional disorders (steadily increasing changes in the vocal apparatus, the development of laryngeal stenosis, etc.). At the same time, these manifestations often develop within a very short time, the result of which is a rather late referral of patients to specialists. In addition, a significant part of patients is observed with a generalized diagnosis of chronic laryngitis with sluggish symptoms in the absence of indications for biopsy studies, and the diagnosis of the initial stages of the transition of hyperplastic processes to the stage of pre-oncology or an undiagnosed oncological process in a timely manner is very problematic.