Energy information methods for natal cervical trauma in children

Energy information methods for natal cervical trauma in children

AUTHORS : Sharova L.V. 

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : GOU VPO “Perm State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation”, Department of Neurology, Pediatric Faculty, Head of the Department – prof. Kravtsov Yu.I., Perm, Russia
YEAR : 2004 | Category : Method of Treatment

Difficulties in the choice of medication, high allergization of children contributes to the widespread use of non-drug methods of treatment for natal cervical trauma (NCT). NTC is extremely relevant today not only in pediatric neurology, but also in pediatrics. The number of natal injuries of the cervical spine (CS), which present certain difficulties for diagnosis and treatment, does not decrease [1].

Target: study of the possibilities of bioresonance and induction therapy in children with the consequences of NCT. Research methods We examined 25 patients with NCT. The age of the patients varied from 2 years to 14 years, with a predominance of observations in the age groups from 5 to 7 years. Two variants of subclinical manifestations of CS injuries were identified. In the first variant, some instability occurs in the SHOP, but clinical symptoms do not appear.

In the second variant, due to the effect on the vertebral arteries during transcranial Doppler sonography (TCD), changes in the reactivity of cerebral hemodynamics in the vertebrobasilar basin are revealed, which are not clinically diagnosed. The main manifestation of the observed vegetative-vascular dysfunctions associated with the vertebrogenic factor is headache localized in the parieto-occipital region.

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