Reassessment of values in modern medicine

Reassessment of values in modern medicine

AUTHORS : Dykun N.V. | Dykun Yu.N.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Treatment and Diagnostic Center “Pyramid”, Dubno, Ukraine
YEAR : 2003 | Category : Data

It is believed, and many doctors do not doubt this, that the state of human health depends by 90% on living conditions, working conditions, environment, education, legal protection, spiritual, psycho-emotional state, etc. And only 10% of the health of the population depends on medicine.

However, the dentist, having pulled out a tooth, solved the problem of pain, the doctor of manual therapy in one session put the “lying” patient on his feet, and, finally, the doctor with the most modern medical equipment, having precisely determined the diagnosis, in the shortest possible time solved the patient’s problem for a long time. time – months, years.

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